Friday, September 13, 2013

DDS Podcast: Take One!

Check out the first ever Daily Dope Sheet Podcast! My buddy Brian and I will henceforth be discussing all things Packers. Aside from x's and o's, we'll dive into topics like gameday rituals, what it's like to be an out-of-market fan, why Packer fans seem to hate Joe Buck and Troy Aikman, etc. The first episode features some compromised audio and some um's and uh's, but that's how first drafts go. Also, please contribute podcast name ideas. A prize to the winner. (winner may not be a winner, and may not get a prize)


  1. I gotta' say I loved the podcast! I listened to it more than once, and can't wait for next weeks podcast!

  2. Here are a few podcast name ideas: Helmet-to-Helmet. In the Basement. Off the Pilon*. Sudds N' Sausage. Pigskin Podcast. Through the Uprights. Jump in the Stands. Your thoughts?

  3. Big Kev says that the podcast should be called "Observe the pile of dope!"

  4. Hah! Excellent suggestions. I think we're recording tomorrow night and we will have definitely settled on a name by then.
