Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm Back, Baby!

Ok gang, I know I've got some 'splaining to do. I know I only got halfway through my Super Bowl recap, and I know I've been dormant since then.

Here's the skinny. Shortly after the Packers whirlwind trip through the postseason, I lost internet access. Well I'm glad to report, that after a little penny pinching (and some help from Uncle Sam), DDS Headquarters is back online, baby! With this new machine, expect much more activity.

A lot has happened since Green Bay brought Lombardi home, but first I'd like to take this opportunity to tell what I will NOT be talking about this postseason...

1) The CBA and Pending Anti-trust lawsuit: I've reached the saturation point with this squabble between millionaires and billionaires, and my poor-man's legalese could not possibly offer anything not yet beaten to death by ESPN and the like. While I am on record as saying I do think the owners should fully disclose their financial records (or books) to the players in order to justify the extra $1 Billion they are seeking, it's kind of a moot point as a Packer fan. Green Bay is the only publicly owned and traded team, and thus, is the only team to offer nearly full financial disclosure to its players. The rest of the owners should take the hint, but I digress. This story is over-covered, and you certainly don't need the DDS to chime in.

2) Packers Mock Draft: Obviously I'm a huge fan of the NFL Draft. It's worked wonders for the Packers since the Ron Wolf era. But trust me: there are few things more frustrating than trying to predict who GM Ted Thompson will draft. For years, I've watched in a constant state of anxiety, as ol' Teddy has continually called the names of draft-day nobody's. Don't get me wrong, he's done a tremendous job in judging talent. But predicting his moves... oi vey! My brother Chris, on the other hand, has taken it upon himself to do his homework with regards to the draft. I'm highly considering posting his findings and predictions, purely to aid in DDS postseason content. Meanwhile, I'll happily discuss the Packers personnel needs.

That's all for now, but please stay tuned. To quote the immortal words of George Costanza, "I'm back, baby!"

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