Monday, July 29, 2013

Johnny Jolly: Out With The Good, In With The Bad

Above: Johnny Jolly, photo by AP
Defensive end Johnny Jolly is out of prison after completing a drug rehab program, showing sincere remorse, and on the merits of his good behavior. But it's his bad behavior, indeed his mean streak, that will have him vie for a roster spot this season.

"He's got a little dog in him, in a good way. You can get bit if you get too close," said Robert Nunn, a Packers DT coach during Jolly's first stint.

During his last season in 2009, Jolly's inner dog and "world-class trash talking"—Aaron Rodgers' words, not mine— and his sheer refusal to be moved by any man helped lead that defensive unit to a league-best rank against the run.

That's something that's been objectively lacking since his departure between the '09 and '10 seasons. In recent years, Packer defenses have been called everything from passive to soft. That won't stand if Jolly makes the squad.

When asked about Jolly as a man and a player, fellow lineman Mike Daniels said, "I mean, he's a great guy, an awesome guy, but when he's on the field, man, he brings the wood."
"He's mean," continued Daniels. "He's violent, and, honestly, that's what you need out of your players. I see why the defense was great when he was here. He brings an attitude like no other."

The preseason will be an extended job interview for Johnny Jolly. He'll need to prove he can channel his aggression the right way and resume the pass-batting ways of his former life, in order to make one of six available roster spots. He's currently one of eight. When asked about the likelihood of making the team, the stout Jolly said simply, "If the Packers didn't feel I could do that, I wouldn't be here."

Quotes in this article originally appear in this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article by Bob McGinn

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